
8 Cours
  • 6 Thèmes

    Communication strategy – Level 2, part 1

    Communication strategy is a wide discipline that includes many aspects. This course addresses students who already have a background in communication and wish to go further. It is part 1 of a two-part course for this level.

  • 6 Thèmes

    Communication strategy – Level 2, part 2

    Communication strategy is a wide discipline that includes many aspects. This course addresses students who already have a background in communication and wish to go further. It is part 2 of a two-part course for this level.

  • 5 Thèmes

    Communication strategy – Level 3, part 1

    Communication strategy is a wide discipline that includes many aspects. This course addresses students who already have a strong background in communication and wish to go further. It is part 1 of a two-part course for this level.

  • 5 Thèmes

    Communication strategy – Level 3, part 2

    Communication strategy is a wide discipline that includes many aspects. This course addresses students who already have a strong background in communication and wish to go further. It is part 2 of a two-part course for this level.

  • 4 Thèmes

    Création de site – partie 1

    Cette formation a pour objectif d’apprendre à construire un site web sans coder en utilisant le CMS WordPress et d’acquérir les bases de la création de contenu pour le digital (essentiellement rédactionnel).

  • 5 Thèmes

    Digital communication

    This course is an overview of the digital communication for beginners and people not qorking in the market/com field. It can be useful for anyone wanting to work on their personal branding or understand how digital communication has become the best way to interact with prospects, clients ot professional contacts at large.

  • 5 Thèmes

    Électif RSE

    Cette formation a pour objectif de présenter les concepts et notions de base de la RSE, ses enjeux et opportunités pour les organisations. Nous étudierons les différents points pour concevoir une stratégie de transition RSE et mettre la mettre en place dans une organisation en fonction de ses ressources.

  • 2 Thèmes

    IA et marketing

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